The AFDOSS Board has developed a working strategic plan to help drive board operations and organization goals + objectives. We welcome feedback from our active members on this document at any time! See more in the Strategic Planning Draft 2020 AFDOSS. To share your feedback with the board, please email comments to with “Strategic Plan” in the subject line.
The Association of Food and Drug Officials of the Southern States (AFDOSS) is a Regional Affiliate of the Association of Food & Drug Officials (AFDO).
AFDO is an international non-profit democratically run organization. Membership of AFDO and each of the six regional affiliates includes local, state, and federal regulatory agencies, regulated industry and associations, and academia representatives and land grant universities concerned with developing and enforcing uniform food, drug, and consumer product safety laws and regulations.
Through resolutions, AFDOSS submits recommendations to AFDO for suggested actions needed in the aforementioned areas of food, drug, and consumer product safety laws and regulations. The result is the development of “model bills,” the encouragement of training, and the overall implementation of sound and effective consumer protection regulations. AFDO and the six Regional Affiliates, including AFDOSS, provide the mechanism and the forum where regional, national, and international food protection issues are deliberated and resolved uniformly to provide the best public health and consumer protection in the most expeditious and cost-effective manner. Each year, one Regional Affiliate co-hosts the AFDO Annual Educational Conference. AFDOSS most recently hosted the 2019 AEC in Atlanta, GA.
For the latest news updates, check out the most recent AFDO e-newsletter, or visit their page here for podcasts, spotlights on food protection, and more. Want to read up on some of our past historical activities and news? Click here for our AFDOSS newsletter archives.
Also, be sure to follow us on Facebook and “like” our page to engage with other members, and get the latest updates about training, grants, scholarship announcements, member updates, and more.
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