
AFDOSS works to accomplish various projects and goals each year, and much of the work is completed by members who have joined one of the below committees. Every AFDOSS member is encouraged to consider joining a committee and contributing ideas. Please take a moment to learn more about each of the current committees, and join one by emailing your interest to today!

Awards/Eugene H Holeman Award Committee 

Provides a nominee for the Eugene H. Holeman Award to be presented at the annual conference award banquet. Consists of five members as follows: the most recent recipient as Chairman, the President of the Association and three (3) past recipients. If three members, as described, are not available, the President may appoint such members as necessary to fill all five positions.  (Chair: Latest Award Recipient, Co-Chair: AFDOSS Past-President)

Awards/Mary Logan Scholarship Committee

Solicits and selects a winner for the Mary Logan Scholarship consisting of at least five members appointed by the President, ideally representing each of the participating states within the affiliate.  (Chair: Shadow Gulledge)

Industry & Academia Committee

This committee shall promote membership in AFDOSS.  The committee should assist in finding sponsorships for the annual conference, along with current “hot-topics” for the conference agenda.  (Chair: Larry Sigler, Waffle House, Inc.)

Local Arrangements Committee

Responsible for completing all local arrangements in cooperation with the AFDOSS Board for the Annual Educational Seminar. Committee members will consist of AFDOSS members in the state where the Annual Educational Conference is taking place and will be appointed each year by the Chair. Members should include associate (industry) members.  (Chair: Shana Davis)

Membership Committee

This committee shall promote membership in AFDOSS.  (Chair: Matthew Coleman and Co-chair: Charlene Bruce)

Nomination and Elections Committee 

Chaired by the Immediate Past President along with three regular members, appointed by the Chair. This committee develops a slate of candidates for the junior board member each year.  (Chair: Courtney Mickiewicz)

Program Committee 

Chaired by the current Vice President and other members as required. Members of the Program Committee are responsible for setting up the program for the Annual Educational Conference.  (Chair: Virginia Hamilton)